Saturday, June 10, 2017

LGBTQA Pride, Fantasy Books and Respect: Be Yourself

Be yourself. In a world of fantasy and magic, the possibilities are endless. You may be a witch, a druid, a vampire, a mermaid, a fairy, a gnome, an angel, a devil... Behind the fantasy there are many lessons. Fiction puts us in the skin of the other and promotes empathy, fundamental in the present day in the face of such hatred and prejudice. Magic is in words, intentions and love. Respect the different and keep to yourself your hatred. Karma, Rule of Three, universe, God, sin, whatever you believe or not, words have consequences. In the month of LGBTQA pride, it worths remembering that if you have never experienced prejudice on your skin, do not judge a reality you do not know and never encourage violence and murder of others. In a world where being 'normal' is trying to destroy the different, choose to be different. Choose to be yourself... This magic no one can take away from you.

*Ben Oliveira is a Brazilian writer, blogger with a journalism degree. He is the author of the horror book Escrita Maldita, published on Amazon and the youth fantasy novel Os Bruxos de São Cipriano, available on Wattpad.

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